Vendor Application
This vendor application is the first step in the setup process for working with our company, Bluewater Property Management, LLC (BPM). We value the relationships we have with our clients, residents and vendors. To build and preserve those relationships, we believe communication is vital; therefore, in addition to the vendor application, an independent contractor agreement and vendor handbook must be signed after the vendor application is approved in order to complete the vendor setup process. This vendor application is only for real estate related trades we would hire to work on a property we manage. If your company does web design, SEO, insurance, mortgages, phone systems, software or anything else you want to sell us, we will not respond to the form submission. Please note: We require a COI that names Bluewater Property Management as additional insured. The COI must be sent to us by the insurance company. The COI must show general liability and workman's comp. We require all vendors to carry workman's comp that covers all employees includes the company owner (even companies with less than 4 employees). Please note: We are only located in Charleston, SC. Other companies with the same name exist in other states and are completely unrelated to us. If your company does not have a local office in the Charleston area/Lowcountry, please do not submit the form. We give preference to companies with an office in the Charleston area/Lowcountry.